
CGI Ads | FOOH Marketing

We deliver complete B2C marketing solutions to connect your brand with customers, drive engagement, and accelerate online growth.

What is FOOH Ads or CGI Ads?

Fake Out Of Home Ads, commonly known as FOOH Ads are the fastest growing marketing trends in the world since 2023. 

You must have seen movies like Avatar, The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park and Terminator 2. All the stunning visuals that you saw were Computer-generated imagery or CGI visuals.

FOOH advertising involves the use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) to replicate conventional Out Of Home (OOH) advertising. This technique showcases 3D elements within actual environments. FOOH advertisements are then disseminated on social media platforms, creating the illusion that they occurred in real life.

Seeing the trend, it’s going to be top demand for marketing. The question is – when will you adopt it in your marketing strategy?

What Makes FOOH Ads Unique?

Imagine if you could get that stunning visuals to showcase your products business through a video. How would that be?

FOOH Advertising are unique for several reasons:

  • This can become a differentiator for you in the competitive market
  • Videos created through CGI usually have a larger-than-life feeling, that makes it unique
  • When you create CGI video for FOOH ads, it is more shareable than normal videos
  • FOOH ads can get you better ROI when compared to any other form of video ads

What are the best CGI Ads I can see?

We’ve collated a range of FOOH videos that have been used by respective brands as seen in the content.

Here is a top 10 List:

1 – Artist Industry – Check out video

2 – Footwear Industry – Check out video

3 – Jewelery Industry – Check out video

4 – Food Industry – Check out video

5 – Lifestyle Industry – Check out video

6 – McDonald Brand – Check out video

7 – Apparel Industry – Watch the Ad

8 – Skincare Industry – Check out video

9 – Ecommerce Industry – Check out video

10 – Eyecare Industry – Check out video


Mixed reality (MR) is an innovative technology that merges the physical and digital worlds, allowing for real-time interaction between physical objects and virtual elements. Positioned between augmented reality (AR), which overlays digital content on the real world, and virtual reality (VR)

It depends on the quality of video. You can choose from 16 FPS (Frame per second) to 60 FPS. Higher the quality, costlier it can get.

Yes. If your goal is to market innovatively, CGI videos give you a unique opportunity.

Once you have CGI video, you can promote it as a normal content on various platforms. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, LinkedIn and Snapchat are the best for promotion.